Sunday, July 29, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling

It is over. Over. Never to be anymore. Gone.

So it is 2:30AM and my only source of comfort is leftover Naan bread from this evening’s takeaway. Why don't I have any friends that would be up at this hour? I know lots of techie people and yet, not one I can call at this late hour to lament on the ending of Harry Potter.

But don't get me wrong. I’m not upset about what happened; it sort of unfolded like I expected. A few turns, along the way I didn't expect but great nonetheless. I laughed, I cried, I made it last six days and that is pretty good considering the pressure I've been receiving from work to finish the blasted thing. Not to mention, one guy who kept teasing me by pretending to give away the ending.

Now comes the post-mortem. I need to go out and read the spoilers and the analyzing webpages and the Rowling interviews to see if she gives anything away. Anything that reveals why she made the choices she did. Why kill one character over another? Who did she spare that she wasn't intending to? These are burning questions I need to know. The most amazing thing she accomplished with this book is the tying up of loose strings. If she never got around to publishing that gigantic omnibus of Harry Potter lore, I will be okay with that.

Anyway, it has been a fantastic ride and I wouldn’t change any of it. Jo has given us a brilliant story and I hope to see more from her in the future, even if it is under another name.

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