Saturday, June 19, 2010

Heat Stroke by Rachel Caine

Woohoo! Finished another book in the year 2010. Shocking! I'm hoping to turn this summer into a reading summer but that is yet to be seen. It is so hard to find time to read and be social at the same time.

Heat Stroke (Weather Warden, Book 2)

Heat Stroke is a return to a favourite series of mine. Not sure if I wrote a review of the first one in the series, Ill Wind, but I really should have. Weather Wardens go out and help control the weather. They can ask the sky to rain or lessen the intensity of tornados. In this world, a select group of people have special powers to talk to the elements and help protect people from extreme dangers. Those extremes can be anything from hurricanes to wild fires.

At the start of this book, Joanne Baldwin, has been declared dead and she sort of is... or more like transformed into a whole new being, a Djinn. In this book, we get to see into the world of the Djinn. How they became to be, their role in the weather warden world, and how their darkest fear is to be enslaved by being stuck in a bottle. If you are tied to a bottle, you are under the power of whoever holds that bottle and you have to do everything that person commands no matter how much you don't want to. If your master is not a good guy, things could get really awful.

The best thing about this series is that you never know where the author is going to take you. Just when you think you know what is going on and all is happening as expected, she throws a curve and you are somewhere you never thought possible. Another great feature is her ability to end the book on such a cliff-hanger, you want to jump online and priority order the next book in the series.

Really don't want to give too much away just in the off chance you want to read it. If you are into fantasy popcorn that delivers a plot pace of a hundred miles per hour, this is the book for you.


Ladytink_534 said...

I just finished reading the first one and I really enjoyed it.

Eliz said...

Well, I can highly recommend the second one in the series and keep meaning to order more.