Saturday, April 22, 2006

Wanderlust by Chris Dryer

Hopefully, this will be the quickest review ever written… here goes… I’m going to keep track of the time. (Start time 1:44am)

Wanderlust is a book about a travel writer who has a love for travel and is lucky enough to be able to make a living at it. Luckily, she is able to have friends and family at home to keep her grounded back into reality. You see, she, the protagonist, Kate Bogart, doesn’t like to be tied down and can rarely stay in the same hotel room for more than two nights in a row. Although that is quite useful as it allows her to review a number of different hotels for her job… but then, we are getting into reality that rarely fits into her world. You see, (and I’ll try to say this with as little jealousy as possible,) she has men falling in love with her no matter where she turns. First is a fellow travel journalist that she meets at the first of the book. This right after her affair with the Spanish bull fighter at the opening of the story. Not to mention her ex-husband that still has a torch burning for her and perhaps their marriage isn’t over after all. Of course they are all gorgeous. Nope, I’m not bitter…

The real problem I had with this book is that is written all in emails; emails back and forth between her friends, mother, boss, men, etc. Nothing is written or explained or detailed like you would get from a book written by a real literary author. It is just emails. I deal with emails all day. I hate them. And it took me forever to get through this book. Mostly because every time I picked it up to read before going to bed, it would put me to sleep. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like chick-lit as much as the next person. This one, was just too much. Perhaps it just could have used more work to make it a tighter story with sharper wit.

Oh well, that’s life. There is always next time. (Stop time: 1:56…. Wow, twelve minutes, that has to be a personal best.)

My rating: :-P

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