Monday, August 2, 2010

The Reader by Bernhard Schlink

Another finished book. Long weekends without any definite plans and a lot of stuff around the house you are trying to avoid doing will give you good reading motivation. Long weekends are great.

The Reader

But I really don’t have much to say about The Reader. I had seen the movie when it was in the theatres and loved it. A friend lent me the book and it has lived on my shelf for way too long. I’m going through my books and trying to make progress on what I have and what I need to return to people. At least I have one less borrowed book.

As for the book, it was beautifully written. Not a long piece and it gives an interesting perspective of the effect of the war on the German people, even to those in the next generation. Though it was a short read, every chapter felt like a piece of the puzzle that defined that man’s life in three acts to display how one person can become interwoven into the fabric of their character.

That might be a very bad description of what the book was about. I highly recommend the book and the movie. The movie was a faithful representation of the book and you could choose one over the other and not feel cheated out of the story experience.

Now, must find a happy novel to read.


Debbie said...

I like this new feature of showing a picture of the books. Now I can judge them, not only by your interpretation of the stories inside, but also by the irrelevant pictures, fonts and overall design of the covers. Bravo.

Eliz said...

That was exactly what I was going for. I figure that would give a whole new level of shallow judgement that my reviews could never achieve. Pictures are pretty.